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I know you've been hoping for...

A magic pill to fix your dysfunctional health, whether it's your digestive system that plagues you with painful bloating, food intolerances, constipation or diarrhoea, and stomach upset on a regular basis.

An answer for your constant fatigue, low immune system and out of balance hormones.

Someone to show you that it is possible to lose those extra pounds you can't seem to shift, when you focus your energy on the right approach.

The chance to FEEL WELL AGAIN, like you used to feel before stress, poor food choices and life got in the way.

The problem is:

Miracle cures and quick fixes? They don’t work long-term.....ever.

When it comes to health we are ALL INDIVIDUALS so what works for one person may not work for another. The truth is there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for health!

Hippocrates himself even stated that "all disease begins in the gut" and when you understand what makes your individual gut tick or what triggers it, you are then in the driving seat of your WHOLE HEALTH

The "health" of your gut impacts your hormonal system, digestive system, brain , immune system and is even responsible for inflammation within the body! When you understand the role your gut plays you can take charge of your health!

This is why I created my 6-Week Gut Renew Programme™  which takes you through a simple step-by-step process to discovering what triggers and what tames YOUR gut. 


So WHY is this programme different? 

My 6-Week Gut Renew Programme™ has been specifically designed to help YOU uncover and learn which foods SERVE your individual constitution and which ones are likely HARMING YOUR BODY. My 6-Week Gut Renew   helps take the confusion and uncertainty out of which foods are friends and which are foe......for YOU!

"Can't I just do this on my own, why do I need a programme?"

Their is a wealth of information on the internet and multiple books and resources on healing your gut and improving your health available. If you don't mind putting the time and energy and money into trial and error then yes you can do this yourself.

As someone who has personally spent thousands of pounds over the years on different gut healing and health improving approaches, supplements, specific diets, treatments and tests for my own healing.....I can tell you it can be exhausting, costly and very demotivating when you just don't get the results you hoped for! 

This is the reason why I designed my 6 Week Gut Renew Programme ™to take the stress, hassle and cost out of the trial and error process, and because I needed this exact course when I was struggling with my own health!

What does it involve?

My Online Gut Renew Programme ™ has been developed in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process guided by me, that will not only inspire you with the knowledge of how to help yourself but also gives you the tools to know how to support those closest to you’s health too.

My Online Gut Renew Programme ™ has been designed from my 16 years of experience in working with individuals with complex health challenges and my own personal gut healing journey. 


In only 6 weeks you will be empowered with the tools and knowledge you need to access ultimate health and wellbeing and digestive ease.

I will support you with managing, and in many cases eliminating altogether symptoms of:

  • Indigestion

  • Bloating

  • Irregular bowels

  • Reflux

  • Autoimmune issues

  • Fatigue

  • Skin issues

  • Hormonal issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Joint pain and inflammation

My 6 Week Gut Renew Programme™  is the ONLY effective functional gut-healing and WHOLE HEALTH focussed online course based on the latest clinical research, combined with real-life techniques and applications learnt and put into practice from my own personal health journey.

By joining my 6-Week Gut Renew Programme™  you are saying YES to taking your power back and reclaiming the life and health you so deserve.

So, if you're ready to:

  • Heal your gut and enhance your immune function

  • Take back control of your health and be empowered to know how to help yourself

  • Figure out which foods fuel your body and which foods wreak havoc on your body

  • Nourish your body with whole, seasonal foods and eliminate the toxins that have left you feeling fat, fedup or functioning badly

  • Combat fatigue and find that energy source you had when you were younger

  • Get rid of food allergies that you probably don't even know you suffer from

  • Reduce inflammation body wide, be it joints, skin or digestive

This programme is for YOU!


The 6 weeks Gut Renew ™ experience is designed around a Functional Medicine 5R approach to gut recovery:

✔  Remove any stressors

✔  Replace with healers

✔  Repopulate the gut

✔  Repair the damage

✔  Rebalance mind-body

What you will learn:


    When and what to eat and why


    How our gut affects our mood and behaviour and how to take back control


    Identification and modification of “stressor” impact


    What specifically to take when and why and which brands I recommend


    The importance of healthy bowel movements and how to achieve this


    How these are sabotaging your health and how to eliminate these for better "whole health"


    Get clear on what are your PERSONAL triggers. Testing and effective management


    How to heal yourself from the myriad of seemingly "random" symptoms whilst improving your immune function and resilience


    The importance of movement as medicine and finding the right kind of movement for YOUR BODY


    The importance of sleep and proven strategies for getting deep rest

Ready to say goodbye to those annoying and life impacting symptoms that get you down?

Here's a peek of what's inside the programme:

  • Meal Plan

    4 weeks of suggested Omnivore and Vegan meals to make gut rebuilding as easy as 123. You will not be hungry!

  • Shopping List

    4 weeks shopping lists to make supermarket shopping hassle-free

  • Recipes

    Ebook of delicious gut-friendly, super healthy, and mouthwatering recipes (including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and so much more!)

  • Medical Grade Supplements

    To help support your gut repair, with step by step guide as to what to take when and WHY (Retail value £165)

  • 4 Gut Renew Workbooks

    To help guide you through your gut healing journey, and find your PERSONAL BLUEPRINT for health

  • Private Facebook Group

    Weekly pre-recorded videos and guidance and oodles of support and motivation from the group itself.

  • Comprehensive Gut Health Guide

    To walk you through the 5 R approach to healing your gut and getting your vitality back

  • Bonus Health Support Guides

    Because I love Whole-Health medicine and want to share it ALL with you

  • Weekly Facebook Live

    A weekly Facebook Live (Wednesdays 7pm) with Dr M-C where you get the opportunity to ask me any questions directly and discuss the weeks topic.

  • Amazing Guest Speakers

    Covering a WHOLE HEALTH approach to wellness. Tools and advice for supporting the physical, chemical, emotional and spiritual body.

  • Wellness Discounts

    Discounts on supplements and recommended products. Special treatment rates for treatments provided at Align Health Agency (Jersey clients only)

  • Extensive Support

    My support, knowledge and motivational guidance to make sure you get the most out of this programme for the 6 weeks and beyond

I know you’re probably thinking:

There is no way that all of my symptoms can be chalked up to poor gut health…


Maybe not.


But it’s a really good place to start, especially when you consider these truths:

  • Around 40% of  the population suffer from at least one digestive issue.
  • An estimated 2 million+ Brits have "diagnosed" food allergies…but its estimated >10% adults worldwide have a food sensitivity (often undiagnosed)!
  • Your gut health makes up 70% of your immune system; therefore, if your immune system is chronically compromised, it’s likely due to poor gut health.
  • You gut is referred to as your body’s second brain—in fact more messages travel from your gut to your brain that the other way round!
  • Poor gut health causes auto-immune diseases, hormonal imbalance, mental illness, diabetes, weight gain, skin issues and countless other problematic conditions........ Hello "WHOLE HEALTH " impact!
  • Once you rebuild the health of your gut, you’re health and life WILL take on a new trajectory .

That’s what makes this programme so different.

This 6-week adventure teaches you how to eat foods that are healthy and delicious but that also SERVE your individual constituton… and even better, you’ll never have to count a single calorie!



Is it not time to...

  • Put yourself first and prioritise your wellbeing?

    So that YOU thrive not just survive

  • Support your body and mind with what it REALLY needs to be well?

    Find YOUR specific blueprint for ultimate health

  • Boost your energy levels and get your buzz back?

    Access energy you have not felt since you were a child

This is more than just a "Gut Programme", it’s a Complete Health Transformation.

No quick fixes and miracle cure mentality...... this programme is about creating LASTING CHANGE and transformative health. Health is WEALTH, and no-one EVER regrets better health!

Meet Your Wellness Doctor

Dr. Marie-Christine Dix is an award-winning multi-disciplinary health clinic owner and Wellness Doctor with a Masters degree in Chiropractic, qualified Medical Acupuncturist and Functional Medicine Practitioner.

Dr Marie-Christine specialises in Integrative Medicine, utilising her multiple skills in Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, Neurology and Holistic Health Therapies to support her client’s whole health and wellbeing. Her Multidisciplinary wellness clinic in Jersey Channel Islands, was awarded The Royal College of Chiropractors Patient Partnership Quality Mark (PPQM) and The Royal College of Chiropractors Clinical Management Quality Mark (CMQM) in 2016- 2018.


Her passion for holistic medicine led her to gain multiple qualifications and experience in areas such as Craniosacral Emotional Release and Medicinal Aromatherapy. 


In 2019 she was awarded the Leaders in Wellbeing - Wellbeing Practitioner Lifetime Achievement Award.


Her Online Gut Health Clinic ™ launched in 2021 welcoming patients from all over the world.

“It is my belief that anyone can heal their body when provided with the correct knowledge, the right environment for healing a healthy dose of motivation and the right support. This is why I have created my 6 Week Gut Renew Programme ™ — a step by step guide to taking back control of your health"

What benefits are there for doing the 6 Week Gut Renew™ over working with you 1:1?

This programme is designed to be comprehensive and covers all of the key areas I work with my 1:1 clients over a 12 month period at a more accessible cost for the content received. You also benefit from extensive support from me throughout the 6 weeks programme and beyond. You will also gain huge benefit from the support and interaction from other group members and the accountability and connection that a group programme brings.

Course Curriculum

    1. Congratulations you're in!

    2. Welcome!

    3. Personal Functional Medicine Assessment

    4. Why you may not have succeeded in the past

    5. What gets measured gets managed!

    6. The 5R Approach to Gut Healing

    7. Your blueprint for gut health discovery

    8. The importance of "Stomach Acid"

    9. Guest Expert Introduction and Overview

    10. Phytonutrient Challenge!

    11. Download Workbooks

    12. Week 1 - PREP WEEK - Zoom recording

    13. Anna Helleur - Facebook Live - Food Storage

    1. An introduction to the (not so hidden) world of TOXINS

    2. Support on getting things moving!

    3. Supporting detox pathways and liver function

    4. The Dirty Dozen

    5. Download Workbooks

    6. Week 2 Facebook Live Upload - REMOVE WEEK

    1. What is the microbiome and why is it important

    2. Pre and pro biotic foods

    3. Digestive rest and benefits of fasting

    4. Download Workbooks

    5. Week 3 Facebook Live Upload

    6. Facebook Live Chat with Sober Jo

    1. Leaky gut, what is it and do you have it?

    2. How your gut affects your mood, behaviour and brain

    3. Lab Testing for gut health - whats involved and do you need it?

    4. Week 4 Facebook Live Upload

    1. Medicinal herbs and using essential oils for health

    2. Benefits of Meditation

    3. Sleep is a superpower!

    4. Week 5 Facebook Live Upload

    1. Chiropractic care and nervous system function

    2. The importance of vagus nerve function for health

    3. Vagus Nerve Stimulation Techniques

    4. Activate The Vagus Nerve

    5. Week 6 Facebook Live Upload

    6. Zoom recorded yoga session with Carrie Atkinson

About this course

  • £997.00
  • 56 lessons
  • 18.5 hours of video content

Evidence Based, Effective, Supportive & Accessible "WHOLE" HEALTH-CARE

No miracle cures or quick fixes this 6 Week Programme is specifically designed to provide you your PERSONAL blueprint for elevated HEALTH


“Your Gut Renew course was the best thing I've done for myself. Thank you for badgering me to give it a go x”


“I was unsure of what to expect when I joined the gut renew group as wasn't sure I'd be able to stick to the programme knowing my life and schedule, but I am so pleased I did it as I have made some lasting changes that haven't felt hard and I feel so much better for. The 80:20 rule was a gamechanger for me as I know I can get away with a few not so good things provided 80% I'm trying to do my best on, and it actually works.”


“Apparently I'm a "nicer person and not so ratty" since doing the program! I'll take that as I feel so much better in my knees, back and headaches. Even when I do slip and have the occasional bit of bread the impact is nowhere near as bad. Still find it crazy that it was gluten causing all that pain!”


“Thank you Marie-Christine, you are better than any laxative! ”


“Sleeping better, no more bloating or stomach pain and waking feeling like I've had my batteries charged! Have been singing your courses praises to everyone I meet. ”


“I feel so much better now I am going to the toilet every day. Honestly can't believe what a difference it has made or that it wasn't normal to only go once a week! Loved the course thanks so much for all your help :)”


“This course was so much more than I had hoped. I have been recommending friends do it as it has made such an unexpected difference to my menopause (sleep especially) even though the reason I orginally enrolled on it was for my IBS. Thank you for your help Marie-Christine. If you are considering doing it you wont be dissapointed!”


“I wish I had known to come to you sooner. I am going to the toilet every single day since doing your gut programme and my periods are even now regular! ”


14-Day Money Back Guarantee

I know only too well when it comes to investing in our own health we can often feel guilty or convince ourselves that we "should" be spending it on other things or other people. 

Well I want to tell you now that that mindset is not helping anyone, least of all YOU! You cannot pour from an empty cup and secondly you DESERVE TO FEEL WELL!


Because I want you to feel confident in your purchase and shed those feelings of guilt or unworthiness, plus I know how much value and benefit your will receive and what you will gain from this programme. I am offering you a guilt-free 14 day money back guarantee, if for whatever reason you feel that the 6 Week Gut Renew™ just isn't right for you, you can request a full refund. 

I can’t wait to be sharing this programme with you and getting you on the road to better health. Let's get this adventure started!

Yours in health 

Dr Marie-Christine x